Writing Center Visions

In _Literacy and Computers_, Christina Hass & Christine M. Neuwirth claim that we are "written by the technologies we use, or more accurately, those with the knowledge, power, and desire shape the technologies that in turn shape us" (330). We believe that in order for computer technology to be integrated into writing centers productively, we, as writing center professionals, need to take control of not only the design, but the definition of what a writing center can and should be. This process of design and definition should use technology rather than be used by it. We need to examine, then, the possibilities that technology offers both to our students as writers and to our concept of composing spaces.

This website is part of our project to explore the dynamics of a multi-faceted student-centered writing space. It is a work-in-progress and a representation of our own explorations, questions, debates, and on-going concerns.

Enjoy and let us know what you think.

Visions, Visions, and more Visions: Writing Center Resources

Our Writing Center Design
Discovering the Center of Writing: Creating New Spaces for Composing in a WC
Telling Stories: Writing Center Narratives
Useful WC Links
Writing Center Resources

The Authors...

Jennifer Staben
Sandra Eckard
Doctoral Candidates in Rhetoric & Linguistics
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705

Email us!


Links to Sandy's other writings & sites:

My Fun Page:
Playing in the Sunshine:Technology & Literacy Narrative:
Learning to Write in Color:Literacy Narrative:
Atmosphere and Classroom Environments: A Collaborative Webpage:
My Resume:

Links to Jenny's other writings:

My Academic Page:
In Memoriam:Literacy Narrative:
Bonding with the Box:Technology & Literacy Narrative:

WC folk have stumbled upon this page times.